i spoke to a friend the other day.
me: am i bad?
him: u are makin things difficult for her. baka pinahihirapan mu sya.
Sunday, August 31, 2008

i'm not feelin well today.. wanna go home. dapat sana hindi na ko pumasok...
wala rin ako gana kumain.. mukhang naipasa ni hubby ang sakit nya sa'kin. nilalagnat na ata ako ngayon.. i can't even speak well - masakit ang throat ko. kumikirot din ang likod ko.. sumusumpong din yung rhinitis ko - need medication again. hhayyz.. ayoko ng nasal spray, eye drops and tablets.
i had very weird breakfast this morning :
chicharon + hot cappucinno. perfect combination!
kim brought sopas for our lunch.. un lang ang kinain namin.
- giniginaw habang nakapangalumbaba lang sa harap ng laptop. =(
Thursday, August 28, 2008
callin me Jen*
I got a call from Vivian this morning, Indian Sect from our other office.. at sa sobrang pagmamadali natawag nya kong:
"Hello Jena! .. sorry Jenny! "
hahha.. hindi ko maiwasang matawa... sa hindi ko malamang dahilan magkatunog ang pangalan namin at dulo lang ang pinagka-iba.
dati yun ang pang pikon sakin ni manong.. pero ngayon kahit anong gawin nya hindi na ko napipikon sa ganon!
wala lang.. hehhe *_^
"Hello Jena! .. sorry Jenny! "
hahha.. hindi ko maiwasang matawa... sa hindi ko malamang dahilan magkatunog ang pangalan namin at dulo lang ang pinagka-iba.
dati yun ang pang pikon sakin ni manong.. pero ngayon kahit anong gawin nya hindi na ko napipikon sa ganon!
wala lang.. hehhe *_^
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
partners and marriage
Advice for the married, planning to get married,single but not available, single and availableEduardo Calasanz was a student at the AteneoManila University , Philippines , where he hadFather Ferriols as professor. Father Ferriols, atthat time was the Philosophy department head.Currently he still teaches Philosophy for graduatestudents in Ateneo. Father Ferriols hasbeen very popular for his mind opening andenriching classes but was also notorious for thegrades he gives. Still people took his classes forthe learning and deep insight they take home withthem every day (if only they could do somethingabout the grades...)Anyway, come grade giving time, (Ateneo hasletter grading systems, the highest being an A,lowest at D, with F for flunk), Fr. Ferriols had thislong discussion with the registrar people becausehe wanted to give Calasanz an A+. Either that orhe doesn't teach at all...Calasanz got his A+.Read the paper below to find out why.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
by Eduardo Jose E. Calasanz
I have never met a man who didn't want to beloved. But I have seldom met a man who didn't fearmarriage. Something about the closure seemsconstricting, not enabling. Marriage seems easierto understand for what it cuts out of our lives thanfor what it makes possible within our lives. When I was younger this fear immobilized me. Idid not want to make a mistake. I saw my friendsget married for reasons of social acceptability, orsexual fever, or just because they thought it wasthe logical thing to do. Then I watched, as theyand their partners became embittered and petty intheir dealings with each other. I looked at oldercouples and saw, at best, mutual tolerat ion ofeach other. I imagined a lifetime of loveless nightsand bickering and could not imagine subjectingmyself or someone else to such a fate.And yet, on rare occasions, I would see oldcouples who somehow seemed to glow in eachother's presence. They seemed really in love, notjust dependent upon each other and tolerant ofeach other's foibles. It was an astounding sight,and it seemed impossible. How, I asked myself,can they have survived so many years ofsameness, so much irritation at the other's habits?What keeps love alive in them, when most of usseem unable to even stay together, much less loveeach other? The central secret seems to be inchoosing well. There is something to the claim offundamental compatibility. Good people can createa bad relationship, even though they both dearlywant the relationship to succeed. It is important tofind someone with whom you can create a goodrelationship from the outset. Unfortunately, it ishard to see clearly in the early stages.Sexual hunger draws you to each other and colorsthe way you see yourselves together. It blinds youto the thousands of little things by whichrelationships eventually survive or fail. You need tofind a way to see beyond this initial overwhelmingsexual fascination. Some people choose to involvethemselves sexually and ride out the most heatedperiod of sexual attraction in order to see what ison the other side. This can work, but it can alsoleave a trail of wounded hearts. Others deny thesexual side altogether in an attempt to get to knoweach other apart from their sexuality. But theycannot see clearly, because the presence ofunfulfilled sexual desire looms so large that itkeeps them from having any normal perception ofwhat life would be like together. The truly luckypeople are the ones who manage to become long-time friends before they realize they are attractedto each other. They get to know each other'slaughs, passions, sadness, and fears. They seeeach other at their worst and at their best. Theyshare time together before they get swept into theentangling intimacy of their sexuality.This is the ideal, but not often possible. If you fallunder the spell of your sexual attractionimmediately, you need to look beyond it for otherkeys to compatibility. One of these is laughter.Laughter tells you how much you will enjoy eachother's company over the long term. If yourlaughter together is good and healthy, and not atthe expense of others, then you have a healthyrelationship to the world. Laughter is the child ofsurprise. If you can make each other laugh, youcan always surprise each other. And if you canalways surprise each other, you can always keepthe world around you new. Beware of a relationshipin which there is no laughter. Even the mostintimate relationships based only on seriousnesshave a tendency to turn sour. Over time, sharing acommon serious viewpoint on the world tends toturn you against those who do not share the sameviewpoint, and your relationship can become basedon being critical together.
After laughter, look for a partner who deals with theworld in a way you respect. When two people firstget together, they tend to see their relationship asexisting only in the space between the two ofthem. They find each other endlessly fascinating,and the overwhelming power of the emotions theyare sharing obscures the outside world. As therelationship ages and grows, the outside worldbecomes important again. If your partner treatspeople or circumstances in a way you can'taccept, you will inevitably come to grief. Look atthe way she cares for others and deals with thedaily affairs of life. If that makes you love hermore,your love will grow. If it does not, be careful . Ifyou do not respect the way you each deal with theworld around you, eventually the two of you will notrespect each other.
Look also at how your partner confronts themysteries of life. We live on the cusp of poetry andpracticality, and the real life of the heart residesinthe poetic. If one of you is deeply affected by themystery of the unseen in life and relationships,while the other is drawn only to the literal and thepractical, you must take care that the distancedoesnt become an unbridgeable gap that leavesyou each feeling isolated and misunderstood.
There are many other keys, but you must findthem by ourself. We all have unchangeable partsof our hearts that we will not betray and privatecommitments to a vision of life that we will notdeny. If you fall in love with someone who cannotnourish those inviolable parts of you, or if youcannot nourish them in her, you will find yourselvesgrowing further apart until you live in separateworlds where you share the business of life, butnever touch each other where the heart lives anddreams. From there it is only a small leap to thecataloging of petty hurts and daily failures thatleaves so many couples bitter and unsatisfied withtheir mates.
So choose carefully and well. If you do, you willhave chosen a partner with whom you can grow,and then the real miracle of marriage can takeplace in your hearts. I pick my words carefullywhen I speak of a miracle. But I think it is not toostrong a word. There is a miracle in marriage. It iscalled transformation. Transformation is one of themost common events of nature. The seedbecomes the flower. The cocoon becomes thebutterfly. Winter becomes spring and lovebecomes a child. We never question these,because we see them around us every day. To usthey are not miracles, though if we did not knowthem they would be impossible to believe.Marriage is a transformation we choose to make.Our love is planted like a seed, and in time itbegins to flower. We cannot know the flower thatwill blossom, but we can be sure that a bloom willcome. If you have chosen carefully and wisely, thebloom will be good. If you have chosen poorly or forthe wrong reason, the bloom will be flawed. We arequite willing to accept the reality of negativetransformation in a marriage. It was negativetransformation that always had me terrified of thebitter marriages that I feared when I was younger.It never occurred to me to question the darkmiracle that transformed love into harshness andbitterness. Yet I was unable to accept thepossibility that the first heat of love could betransformed into something positive that wasactually deeper and more meaningful than the heatof fresh passion. All I could believe in was thepower of this passion and the fear that when itcooled I would be left with something lesser andbitter. But there is positive transformation as well.Like negative transformation, it results from a slowaccretion of little things. But instead of death by athousand blows, it is growth by a thousandtouches of love. Two histories intermingle. Twoseparate beings, two separate presence, twoseparate consciousnesses come together andshare a view of life that passes before them. They remain separate, but they also become one. Thereis an expansion of awareness, not a closure and aconstriction, as I had once feared. This is not tosay that there is not tension and there are nottraps. Tension and traps are part of every choice oflife, from celibate to monogamous to havingmultiple lovers. Each choice contains within it thelingering doubt that the road not taken somehowmore fruitful and exciting, and each becomesdulled to the richness that it alone contains. Butonly marriage allows life to deepen and expandand be leavened by the knowledge that two havechosen, against all odds, to become one. Thosewho live together without marriage can know thepleasure of shared company, but there is aspecific gravity in the marriage commitment thatdeepens that experience into something richer andmore complex.
So do not fear marriage, just as you should notrush into it for the wrong reasons. It is an act offaith and it contains within it the power oftransformation.
If you believe in your heart that you have foundsomeone with whom you are able to grow, if youhave sufficient faith that you can resist the endlessattraction of the road not taken and the partner notchosen, if you have the strength of heart toembrace the cycles and seasons that your lovewill experience, then you may be ready to seekthe miracle that marriage offers. If not, then wait.The easy grace of a marriage well made is worthyour patience. When the time comes, a thousandflowers will bloom...endlessly.
by Eduardo Jose E. Calasanz
I have never met a man who didn't want to beloved. But I have seldom met a man who didn't fearmarriage. Something about the closure seemsconstricting, not enabling. Marriage seems easierto understand for what it cuts out of our lives thanfor what it makes possible within our lives. When I was younger this fear immobilized me. Idid not want to make a mistake. I saw my friendsget married for reasons of social acceptability, orsexual fever, or just because they thought it wasthe logical thing to do. Then I watched, as theyand their partners became embittered and petty intheir dealings with each other. I looked at oldercouples and saw, at best, mutual tolerat ion ofeach other. I imagined a lifetime of loveless nightsand bickering and could not imagine subjectingmyself or someone else to such a fate.And yet, on rare occasions, I would see oldcouples who somehow seemed to glow in eachother's presence. They seemed really in love, notjust dependent upon each other and tolerant ofeach other's foibles. It was an astounding sight,and it seemed impossible. How, I asked myself,can they have survived so many years ofsameness, so much irritation at the other's habits?What keeps love alive in them, when most of usseem unable to even stay together, much less loveeach other? The central secret seems to be inchoosing well. There is something to the claim offundamental compatibility. Good people can createa bad relationship, even though they both dearlywant the relationship to succeed. It is important tofind someone with whom you can create a goodrelationship from the outset. Unfortunately, it ishard to see clearly in the early stages.Sexual hunger draws you to each other and colorsthe way you see yourselves together. It blinds youto the thousands of little things by whichrelationships eventually survive or fail. You need tofind a way to see beyond this initial overwhelmingsexual fascination. Some people choose to involvethemselves sexually and ride out the most heatedperiod of sexual attraction in order to see what ison the other side. This can work, but it can alsoleave a trail of wounded hearts. Others deny thesexual side altogether in an attempt to get to knoweach other apart from their sexuality. But theycannot see clearly, because the presence ofunfulfilled sexual desire looms so large that itkeeps them from having any normal perception ofwhat life would be like together. The truly luckypeople are the ones who manage to become long-time friends before they realize they are attractedto each other. They get to know each other'slaughs, passions, sadness, and fears. They seeeach other at their worst and at their best. Theyshare time together before they get swept into theentangling intimacy of their sexuality.This is the ideal, but not often possible. If you fallunder the spell of your sexual attractionimmediately, you need to look beyond it for otherkeys to compatibility. One of these is laughter.Laughter tells you how much you will enjoy eachother's company over the long term. If yourlaughter together is good and healthy, and not atthe expense of others, then you have a healthyrelationship to the world. Laughter is the child ofsurprise. If you can make each other laugh, youcan always surprise each other. And if you canalways surprise each other, you can always keepthe world around you new. Beware of a relationshipin which there is no laughter. Even the mostintimate relationships based only on seriousnesshave a tendency to turn sour. Over time, sharing acommon serious viewpoint on the world tends toturn you against those who do not share the sameviewpoint, and your relationship can become basedon being critical together.
After laughter, look for a partner who deals with theworld in a way you respect. When two people firstget together, they tend to see their relationship asexisting only in the space between the two ofthem. They find each other endlessly fascinating,and the overwhelming power of the emotions theyare sharing obscures the outside world. As therelationship ages and grows, the outside worldbecomes important again. If your partner treatspeople or circumstances in a way you can'taccept, you will inevitably come to grief. Look atthe way she cares for others and deals with thedaily affairs of life. If that makes you love hermore,your love will grow. If it does not, be careful . Ifyou do not respect the way you each deal with theworld around you, eventually the two of you will notrespect each other.
Look also at how your partner confronts themysteries of life. We live on the cusp of poetry andpracticality, and the real life of the heart residesinthe poetic. If one of you is deeply affected by themystery of the unseen in life and relationships,while the other is drawn only to the literal and thepractical, you must take care that the distancedoesnt become an unbridgeable gap that leavesyou each feeling isolated and misunderstood.
There are many other keys, but you must findthem by ourself. We all have unchangeable partsof our hearts that we will not betray and privatecommitments to a vision of life that we will notdeny. If you fall in love with someone who cannotnourish those inviolable parts of you, or if youcannot nourish them in her, you will find yourselvesgrowing further apart until you live in separateworlds where you share the business of life, butnever touch each other where the heart lives anddreams. From there it is only a small leap to thecataloging of petty hurts and daily failures thatleaves so many couples bitter and unsatisfied withtheir mates.
So choose carefully and well. If you do, you willhave chosen a partner with whom you can grow,and then the real miracle of marriage can takeplace in your hearts. I pick my words carefullywhen I speak of a miracle. But I think it is not toostrong a word. There is a miracle in marriage. It iscalled transformation. Transformation is one of themost common events of nature. The seedbecomes the flower. The cocoon becomes thebutterfly. Winter becomes spring and lovebecomes a child. We never question these,because we see them around us every day. To usthey are not miracles, though if we did not knowthem they would be impossible to believe.Marriage is a transformation we choose to make.Our love is planted like a seed, and in time itbegins to flower. We cannot know the flower thatwill blossom, but we can be sure that a bloom willcome. If you have chosen carefully and wisely, thebloom will be good. If you have chosen poorly or forthe wrong reason, the bloom will be flawed. We arequite willing to accept the reality of negativetransformation in a marriage. It was negativetransformation that always had me terrified of thebitter marriages that I feared when I was younger.It never occurred to me to question the darkmiracle that transformed love into harshness andbitterness. Yet I was unable to accept thepossibility that the first heat of love could betransformed into something positive that wasactually deeper and more meaningful than the heatof fresh passion. All I could believe in was thepower of this passion and the fear that when itcooled I would be left with something lesser andbitter. But there is positive transformation as well.Like negative transformation, it results from a slowaccretion of little things. But instead of death by athousand blows, it is growth by a thousandtouches of love. Two histories intermingle. Twoseparate beings, two separate presence, twoseparate consciousnesses come together andshare a view of life that passes before them. They remain separate, but they also become one. Thereis an expansion of awareness, not a closure and aconstriction, as I had once feared. This is not tosay that there is not tension and there are nottraps. Tension and traps are part of every choice oflife, from celibate to monogamous to havingmultiple lovers. Each choice contains within it thelingering doubt that the road not taken somehowmore fruitful and exciting, and each becomesdulled to the richness that it alone contains. Butonly marriage allows life to deepen and expandand be leavened by the knowledge that two havechosen, against all odds, to become one. Thosewho live together without marriage can know thepleasure of shared company, but there is aspecific gravity in the marriage commitment thatdeepens that experience into something richer andmore complex.
So do not fear marriage, just as you should notrush into it for the wrong reasons. It is an act offaith and it contains within it the power oftransformation.
If you believe in your heart that you have foundsomeone with whom you are able to grow, if youhave sufficient faith that you can resist the endlessattraction of the road not taken and the partner notchosen, if you have the strength of heart toembrace the cycles and seasons that your lovewill experience, then you may be ready to seekthe miracle that marriage offers. If not, then wait.The easy grace of a marriage well made is worthyour patience. When the time comes, a thousandflowers will bloom...endlessly.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
lover or the love?
one good old friend asked me yesterday :
"should i blame love for feelin this way..
or should i blame the person for makin me feel this way.. "
im not sure why he asked such question..sabi nya gusto nya lang malaman kung anong isasagot ko.
then i said blame the person and not the love.. just like what this love song says:
it's the lover not the love who broke your heart last night.. right?
- parang sinabi ko na rin na "u should blame me kung nasaktan kita before.."
"should i blame love for feelin this way..
or should i blame the person for makin me feel this way.. "
im not sure why he asked such question..sabi nya gusto nya lang malaman kung anong isasagot ko.
then i said blame the person and not the love.. just like what this love song says:
it's the lover not the love who broke your heart last night.. right?
- parang sinabi ko na rin na "u should blame me kung nasaktan kita before.."
Monday, August 25, 2008
thursday and friday
after work, deretso agad sa mall of the emirates as hubby's waiting for me. g
usto daw nya ako i-date.. we had dinner at TGIF , mejo mahal nga lang pero masarap nman. . nakaraket kc sya that day so ok lang nman daw gumastos.
while eating, hubby brought up something about an email he received from an old friend that day... pinag-usapan nman namin nang maayos at katulad ng dati wala nmang problema. niloloko ko pa sya... oh ano nman kayang nireply mu dun? as always - he doesn't want to hurt that person.. hanggat maaari he'll be kind and gentle with his words that of course naiintindhan ko naman kung bakit.. we agreed into something - nag shake-hands pa kami as a sign na tapos na ang usapan na yun. hahah parang mga bata lang! ^_^
late na nagising dahil puyat.. pumunta si hubby sa kanyang raket and then afterwards dumeretso ulit sa MOE. nagiging laman na ata kami ng mall na yun lately..
hehhe asus naglalambing at gusto na nman ako i-date. sweet as always.. :D at may request pa - isuot ko daw ang rubber shoes na gift nya sakin.. heheh! so i went to moe again wearin my new shoes.. at pagdating sa mall may surprised na nman sakin - he got new psp! ay naku may kalaban na nman ako.. namissed din daw nya yung paglalaro nung gadget na yun as binigay na namin sa pamangkin nya yung old psp nya. ej must be enjoying that stuff for sure... so ikot lang kami sa mall and as he promised - we watched mummy 3. enjoy! :D
at night - meron ulit kami pinagusapan.. after reading sumthing sa net di ko makalimutan na sinabi nya to :
"mahal.. ano daw yun? ano ba meaning nun? di ko nagets eh - english! sinabi ko ba yun?" hahah inbes na mainis ako natawa lang tuloy ako.
after work, deretso agad sa mall of the emirates as hubby's waiting for me. g
while eating, hubby brought up something about an email he received from an old friend that day... pinag-usapan nman namin nang maayos at katulad ng dati wala nmang problema. niloloko ko pa sya... oh ano nman kayang nireply mu dun? as always - he doesn't want to hurt that person.. hanggat maaari he'll be kind and gentle with his words that of course naiintindhan ko naman kung bakit.. we agreed into something - nag shake-hands pa kami as a sign na tapos na ang usapan na yun. hahah parang mga bata lang! ^_^
late na nagising dahil puyat.. pumunta si hubby sa kanyang raket and then afterwards dumeretso ulit sa MOE. nagiging laman na ata kami ng mall na yun lately..
at night - meron ulit kami pinagusapan.. after reading sumthing sa net di ko makalimutan na sinabi nya to :
"mahal.. ano daw yun? ano ba meaning nun? di ko nagets eh - english! sinabi ko ba yun?" hahah inbes na mainis ako natawa lang tuloy ako.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
isang paglalakbay ni mang roland

God is good.. all the time!
Bong David and Mang Roland : Isang pagtatagpo na nauwi sa happy ending!
Si mang roland ay isang candy and yosi vendor sa kalye ng Binondo. Dating driver ng taxi subalit sa kasamaang palad ay nabiktima ng mga holdaper. Ang peklat sa kanyang leeg ay tanda ng paglaban nya para maisalba ang kniyang buhay at kinita sa buong magdamag.
Nitong Aug 10, 2008 nang makita ni bong si mang roland na nagtitinda sa binondo... bumili sya ng kendi at sandaling nakipagkwentuhan dito. Dahil sa pagkahabag kay mang roland ay naisipan nyang isulat ang pagtatagpong ito sa knyang blog sa multiply.
Simple lang naman ang nabanggit na pangarap ni mang roland - ang gusto lang nya ay sana makauwi sya sa probinsya para makasama ang kanyang pamilya na matagal na nyang hindi nakikita at nang sa ganun din nman ay makapagsimula sila ng panibagong buhay. Dahil sa mabuting hangarin ni Bong ay may mga taong nais na tumulong.. dininig ng Diyos ang kanyang panalangin na matulungan si mang roland na makabili ng tiket pauwi ng Roxas City.
Isang pinay na nagtratrabaho sa DUbai ang nakabasa at nagpadala ng 1,000 pesos na sapat na pambili ng ticket at isa nmang kabayan sa USA ang nagpadala ng 400 pesos para sa pocket money ni mang roland. August 21, 2008 ilang araw lang nag nakakalipas ay nakabili na ng ticket si mang roland at sa wakas ay makakasama na nya ang kanyang pamilya. hindi daw nya lubos akalain na may tutulong nga talga sa kanya na makauwi sa probinsya. :)
Happy ending diba? It's good to see people who will remind us na hindi nman nawawala ang kabutihan sa mundo. Madami pa rin ang natitirang tao na handang tumulong sa kapwa na walang inaantay na kapalit. Sana maging inspirasyon sa lahat ang kwentong ito.
Ngayon, malang ay masaya na si mang roland sa piling ng knyang asawa at mga anak... at katulad ng bilin ng isa sa mga tumulong sa kanya na sana " IPASA NYA SA IBA ANG KABUTIHANG NATANGGAP NYA SA KAHIT NA ANONG URI NG PARAAN.." ay wag nyang kalilimutan... at sigurado ako na ang mga taong tumulong sa kanya ay lubos din ngayon ang kanilang kasiyahan. Salamat sayo kuya Bong sa pagiging isang instrumento. Saludo po ako sayo.
God is good.. all the time!!!
Eto po ang buong kwento from kuya bong's multiply site: http://davzon.multiply.com/journal
Pasado alas otso ng dumating ako sa Binondo, hindi pa ko pumapara natanaw ko na si 'mang Roland' sa lugar na una namin pinag kakitaan . nang matanaw n'ya ko tumayo
agad s'ya malayo pa napansin ko na masaya si mang Roland...(noong una ko siyang nakaharap kahit isang sigundo hindi ko siya nakitang ngumiti e);sinalubong nya ko na parang nahihiya sya...'ano mang Roland gusto mo na ba umuwi talaga?'tanong ko, kumamot siya sa ulo na nakangiti pa rin 'oo sana' sagot ni mang Roland.'gusto ko kasing subukin muna s'ya.' 'antay antay muna tayo kulang pa kasi pera natin,me inaantay pa kong text.'naupo muna kami sabi ko; asan yun paninda mo? 'hindi na ko bumili kahapon pa ng paninda baka kako kasi makauwi na ko ngayon' napansin ko rin na me dala syang maliit na plastic bag siguro me laman na dalawang pirasong t-shirt .tinanong ko kung nag almusal na siya ngumiti lang , binigyan ko ng pera, sabi ko kumain ka muna. pero binalik n'ya yun iba sabi pang kape lang daw ok na, sabi ko magkanin ka na,'kape't tinapay na lang' tanggi n'ya. marami siyang na kwento sa kin habang nagka-kape si mang Roland, itinuro di n nya yun isang mamang malapit sa min ingat daw ako do'n kasi isnatcher saka holdaper.itinuro din n'ya yun isang vendor na me ma
lungkot din na istorya; marami pa s'yang naikwento...ilang politiko na nangako sa kanya na pauuwin sya sa probinsya,kotong cops,mabait na cops..tapos sabi n'ya, 'magkano ba kulang?gustong gusto ko na kasing umuwi.' tumingin ako sa kanya 'tayo na' sabi ko.'ikaw' sabi n'ya(lalong ngumiti).tumayo ako at inabot ko sa kanya ang ilang pirasong damit na dala ko na naka paper bag.'maaga pa kasi kanina maiinip lang tayo do'n sabi ko.pinadala ko na sa kanya yun paper bag sabi ko isama narin n'ya yun dala n'ya ang bilis lumakad ni mang Roland... sa bandang divisoria kami dumaan me shortcut daw don sabi n'ya . nang mapadaan kami sa nag titinda ng mansanas huminto siya 'bili ko lang dalawang pirasong mansanas anak ko' sabi nya . sa isip-isip ko 'mang Roland wag mo kong paiyakin mababa ang luha ko! 'e itong pera bili mo na rin na ilang pirasong damit ang mga anak mo me nag papabigay nyan sa inyo' 'hindi ko alam kung gaano na kalaki ang mga bata kapapanganak lang ng bunso ko na huli ko s'yang nakita,tatlong taon na" 'ilang pirasong mansanas dalawang mumurahin manyika sa bangketa at isang latang biscuit ang pasalubong ni mang Roland sa pamilya.'at hiniling ni mang Roland na me gusto muna s'yang daanan na tao; magpapaalam lang daw sya...isang matandang babae na me karinderya ang pinuntahan namin.'ano uuwi ka na ba, tuloy ba, nakita mo ba yun kausap mo?' sunod-sunod na tanong ng matanda.'sya po yun kausap ko' tiningnan ako ng matanda at sabi 'mabait na bata yan.'ngumiti na lang ako... tumuloy na kami sa paglakad halos patakbo na sa bilis ang mga habang namin nasa hulihan lang ako; at nang sasakay na kami sa dyip nag ring ang cell phone ko 'hello oo ako nga aaa...talaga thank you very much miss pakisabi sa Boss mo salamat ee-mail ko rin si kabayan para mag pasalamat.'isang kababayan natin na nasa amerika ang nag padala pang pocket money ke mang Roland ng PHP400 ! thru RCIP. una galing Dubai sa isang pinay na ayaw din pabanggit pangalan na sumagot ng pasahe ni mang Roland! pag dating namin pinapila ko agad si mang Roland napansin ko na nanginginig pa ang kamay nya habang nag fill-up ng form.pasado alas onse na yon naupo muna kami ni mang Roland."ikaw na ang bahalang mag pasalamat sa kanila brod sabihin mo maagang pamasko to sa min ng pamilya ko."medyo na mumula ang mata ni mang Roland habang sinasabi nya sa kin'hindi naman sila naghahanap ng kapalit ang sabi lang nung nagbigay ng pambili ng ticket na ipagsabi nyo raw na "ME MABABAIT PANG TAO SA MUNDO NA HANDANG TUMULONG SA KAPWA" sabi pa nya 'hindi raw sya makapaniwalang ganoon kabilis ang pangyayari dahil nagsawa na raw siya sa pangako.'ang totoo daw noung una ko raw sya nakausap hindi naman daw s'ya umasa.pero nun bumalik daw ako at sinabi kong me kababayan gustong tumulong sa kanya hindi na raw sya nag kakatulog.alas dose medya ng tanghali pinasakay na sa barko si mang Roland kasama ang ilang pasahero...nakita ko ang masaya at maaliwalas na mukha ni mang Roland, sabik na sabik sa pamilya.medyo naging emosyonal pa nga siya ng pasakay na, biniro ko lang; "sakay na mang Roland pag naiwan ka n'ya mahaba-habang languyan yan" tumalikod na ko palabas ng pier,'super init'pero masaya ako para ke mang Roland at sa dalawa natin kababayan... na tahimik lang sakanilang pag tulong sa kapwa... pag palain kayo ng DIYOS; sana sa lahi n'yo manggaling ang mga susunod na mamumuno sa atin bansa SALAMAT !

Thursday, August 21, 2008
game over
on my way to office - bigla na lang akong nagdecide na magsubmit ng resignation letter. As soon as i reached the reception sinimulan ko na magpaliwanag kay kim na gusto ko na talgang magresign... then i started doin the letters para mabigay ko na kagad.
like what i expected - kinausap nila akong lahat. mula kay Ams, Big boss, admin Manager and of course ng HR Manager.
same questions - why?
bakit nga ba? basta ayoko na! unfortunately para nmang nahimasmasan ako - ba't nga ba ako nagmamadaling umalis sa company na yuneh wala pa nman akong malilipatan. isa pa i need my free round trip ticket on may para sa church wedding namin.
ang ending - napunta lang sa trash can ang resignation letters ko. :) kelangan ko pa talagang magtiis at magtiis.. :(
* mabuti na lang may date kami ni manong after ng isang "question and answer " day ko.
like what i expected - kinausap nila akong lahat. mula kay Ams, Big boss, admin Manager and of course ng HR Manager.
same questions - why?
bakit nga ba? basta ayoko na! unfortunately para nmang nahimasmasan ako - ba't nga ba ako nagmamadaling umalis sa company na yuneh wala pa nman akong malilipatan. isa pa i need my free round trip ticket on may para sa church wedding namin.
ang ending - napunta lang sa trash can ang resignation letters ko. :) kelangan ko pa talagang magtiis at magtiis.. :(
* mabuti na lang may date kami ni manong after ng isang "question and answer " day ko.
what a wonderful world
nakakalungkot makita ang mga inosenteng sibilyan na nabibiktima ng kaguluhan sa mindanao. naiiyak ako pag pinapanood ko yung news.. wala bang superhero na pwedeng sumagip sa kanila at pulbusin ang mga walang pusong MILF? while watching the news on tv, i silently talked to Papa God na sana iligtas nya ang mga inosenteng tao sa mindanao at sana matapos na ang kaguluhan.
sana wala ng baril na puputok...naaawa ako sa mga batang nabibingi sa sunodsunod na pagputok ng baril. sana wala ng tatakbo.. sana wala ng manghahabol...
pero sa kabila ng kaguluhan - naniniwala pa rin ako na in time magiging maayos ang lahat.
nakakatuwa nman habang nilulunod ang utak ko ng lungkot dahil sa mga kaguluhan na 'to tila ata kinakausap ako nung nasa taas at sinasabi sakin na maganda pa rin ang mundo..
I see trees of green........ red roses too
I see em bloom..... for me and for you
And I think to myself.... what a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue..... clouds of white
Bright blessed days....dark sacred nights
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world.
The colors of a rainbow.....so pretty ..in the sky
Are also on the faces.....of people ..going byI
see friends shaking hands.....sayin.. how do you do
Theyre really sayin......i love you.
I hear babies cry...... I watch them grow
Theyll learn much more.....than Ill never know
And I think to myself .....what a wonderful world
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
may masama ba sa pagiging mukhang katulong?
May dinalaw akong isang blog kaninang umaga...on her latest entry i was disturbed by her words describing these "mukhang katulong daw" na mga tao. oh well.. i dunno why some are so mean to describe other people like that.. how would you know if they are cheap? huh?!
nakakalungkot isipin na may mga tao na ayaw mahalo sa mga hindi masyadong kagandahan na mga nilalang. may kasalanan ba sila kung hindi sila kasing porma ng iba dyan? and so what kung day-off nila? funny ba yun? they also have the right to enjoy kung kelan at saan man nila gusto. baka hindi nya alam.. some of those mukhang katulong ay higit pa sa kaniya. tsk..tsk.. kailangan talga marunong tayo tumingin muna sa salamin. napaisip din ako.. hindi nman sya kagandahan.. i dunno kung saan nya nakukuha ang lakas ng loob para makapanlait sa ibang tao. Ayoko na lang din isipin kung ano ang mga adjectives na ginagamit nya everytime nakakakita sya ng mga street children o sa mga nakatira sa squatter's area o sa mga pulubi sa kalye.
oh well, minsan na ko nabiktima ng ganyan - once upon a time someone told me " mukha kang minaltratong chakang DH sa Dubai..na tagalinis ng inidoro sa kubeta. " That person might be so rude to say that but her words did not even hurt me at all. I can't see anything wrong being a DH.. hindi nya siguro alam ang hirap ng isang domestec helper o ng mga tagalinis ng inidoro.
i know blog nya yun.. and she has all the right to write kung ano mang ang gusto nyang isulat. I just can't help to react and feel sad.. na may mga taong katulad nya.
sensya na kayo. mukha kasi akong "minaltratong DH na tagalinis ng inidoro sa dubai..pisawt"
nakakalungkot isipin na may mga tao na ayaw mahalo sa mga hindi masyadong kagandahan na mga nilalang. may kasalanan ba sila kung hindi sila kasing porma ng iba dyan? and so what kung day-off nila? funny ba yun? they also have the right to enjoy kung kelan at saan man nila gusto. baka hindi nya alam.. some of those mukhang katulong ay higit pa sa kaniya. tsk..tsk.. kailangan talga marunong tayo tumingin muna sa salamin. napaisip din ako.. hindi nman sya kagandahan.. i dunno kung saan nya nakukuha ang lakas ng loob para makapanlait sa ibang tao. Ayoko na lang din isipin kung ano ang mga adjectives na ginagamit nya everytime nakakakita sya ng mga street children o sa mga nakatira sa squatter's area o sa mga pulubi sa kalye.
oh well, minsan na ko nabiktima ng ganyan - once upon a time someone told me " mukha kang minaltratong chakang DH sa Dubai..na tagalinis ng inidoro sa kubeta. " That person might be so rude to say that but her words did not even hurt me at all. I can't see anything wrong being a DH.. hindi nya siguro alam ang hirap ng isang domestec helper o ng mga tagalinis ng inidoro.
i know blog nya yun.. and she has all the right to write kung ano mang ang gusto nyang isulat. I just can't help to react and feel sad.. na may mga taong katulad nya.
sensya na kayo. mukha kasi akong "minaltratong DH na tagalinis ng inidoro sa dubai..pisawt"

Sunday, August 17, 2008
10th monthsary
it's our 10th monthsary.. parang kelan lang.. 10 months na rin pala ang nakakaraan.
i woke up with a warm embrace and a kiss.
- and that makes our day special. :)
i'm gonna see him later..
looking forward for a wonderful evening with him.
i woke up with a warm embrace and a kiss.
- and that makes our day special. :)
i'm gonna see him later..
looking forward for a wonderful evening with him.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
nakakatuwa... nagpapalitan kami ng opinyon ni hubby sa multiply. kung mababasa mu mukha lang kaming nagaaway. funny in a way..
nice as nagkakaron ako ng mga bagong kakilala sa net.. you get to read different stories form different type of people. there is this lady, kutchienta.. na nakakapalitan ko ng messages.. nice kc i've been reading her blog for quite a long time now. i just can't remember when and how it started.. i think she's a friend of those artists in my multiply account. interesting blog..interesting woman. :)
gracey.. nice name too.. :D
nice as nagkakaron ako ng mga bagong kakilala sa net.. you get to read different stories form different type of people. there is this lady, kutchienta.. na nakakapalitan ko ng messages.. nice kc i've been reading her blog for quite a long time now. i just can't remember when and how it started.. i think she's a friend of those artists in my multiply account. interesting blog..interesting woman. :)
gracey.. nice name too.. :D
50 Facts about the Phils- disagree?!
I got this from one forum:
50 Facts about the Philippines Dapat ba akong magalit sa kanya (to the person who sent the poster this list) sa pagsampal sa akin sa katotohanan? That Philippines is...
50. Where the most happening places are not where the party is. Instead it is where the gang wars happen, where women strip and where the people overthrow a president.
49. Where even doctors, lawyers and engineers are unemployed.
48. Where everyone has his personal ghost story and superstition
47. Where mountains like Makiling and Banahaw are considered holy places.
46. Where everything can be forged.
45. Where school is considered the second home and the mall considered the third. 44. Where Starbucks coffee is more expensive than gas.
43. Where every street has a basketball court and every town only has one public school.42. Where all kinds of animals are edible.
41. Where people speak all kinds of languages, and still call it Tagalog and where it is fast becoming unfashionable to speak English/Spanish.
40. Where students pay more money than they will earn afterwards.
39. Where call-center employees earn more money than teachers and nurses, where doctors study to become nurses for employment abroad.
38. Where driving 4 kms can take as much as four hours.
37. Where flyovers bring you from the freeway to the side streets. 36. Where the tourist spots are where Filipinos do not (or cannot) go.
35. Where the personal computer is mainly used for games and Friendster. 34. Where all 13-year-olds are alcoholic.
33. Where colonial mentality is dishonestly denied!
32. Where 4 a.m. is not even considered bedtime yet.
31. Where people can pay to defy the law.
30. Where everything and everyone is spoofed.
29. Where even the poverty-stricken get to wear Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger (peke)!
28. Where the honking of car horns is a way of life. 27. Where being called a bum is never offensive.
26. Where floodwaters take up more than 90 percent of the streets during the rainy season.
25. Where everyone has a relative abroad who keeps them alive.
24. Where crossing the street involves running for your dear life.
23. Where wearing your national colors makes you baduy.
22. Where billi@rds is a sport, and darts is a bar game.
21. Where even the poverty-stricken have the latest cell phones. (GSM-galing sa magnanakaw)
20. Where insurance does not work.
19. Where water can only be classified as tap and dirty - clean water is for sale (35 pesos per 5-gallon).
18. Where the church governs the people (owwss!!!) and where the government makes the people pray for miracles. (Amen to that!)
17. Where University of the Philippines is where all the weird people go. Ateneo is where all the nerds go. La Salle is where all the Chinese go. Colleger of Saint Benilde is where all the stupid Chinese go, and University of Asia and the Pacific is where all the irrelevantly rich people go.
16. Where fast food is a diet meal.
15. Where traffic signs are merely suggestions, not regulations.
14. Where all the trees in the city are below six feet.
13. Where being held up is normal. It happens to everyone.
12. Where kids dream of becoming pilots, doctors and basketball players.
11. Where rodents are normal house pets.
10. Where the definition of traffic is the "non-movement" of vehicles.
9. Where the fighter planes of the 1940s are used for military engagements, and the new fighter planes are displayed in museums.
8. Where Nora Aunor is an acclaimed actress and Boy Abunda is the best talk show host, where the population knows more their showbiz stars better than their national heroes and past presidents, knows more of showbiz gossips than their national history and current events.
7. Where cigarettes and alcohol are a necessity, and where the lottery is a commodity.
6. Where soap operas tell the realities of life and where the news provides the drama.
5. Where actors make the rules and where politicians provide the entertainment.
4. Where finding a deer on the road will be a phenomenon.
3. Where people can get away with stealing trillions of pesos, but not for a thousand.
2. Where being an hour late is still considered punctual. (Grabe talaga 'to!)
1. Where the squatters have more to complain (even if they do not pay their tax) ---- than those employed and have their tax automatically deducted from their salaries. and finally..... .
0. Where everyone wants to leave the country!
* I'm not sure if Pinoy or Half pinoy half Canadian ang nagsulat nito - and i can't understand kung bakit negative lang isinulat niya bout my native land.
SA KABILA NG LAHAT NG MGA ISINULAT NYA... PROUD PA RIN AKO NA PINOY AKO AT NAKATIRA AKO SA PILIPINAS. kung maglalahad ako ng mga positibo tungkol sa pinas nakakasigurado ako na hindi lang 50 ang maisusulat ko. hindi lang nman yan only in the philippines, diba?
pinoy ako.. may reklamo?!
50 Facts about the Philippines Dapat ba akong magalit sa kanya (to the person who sent the poster this list) sa pagsampal sa akin sa katotohanan? That Philippines is...
50. Where the most happening places are not where the party is. Instead it is where the gang wars happen, where women strip and where the people overthrow a president.
49. Where even doctors, lawyers and engineers are unemployed.
48. Where everyone has his personal ghost story and superstition
47. Where mountains like Makiling and Banahaw are considered holy places.
46. Where everything can be forged.
45. Where school is considered the second home and the mall considered the third. 44. Where Starbucks coffee is more expensive than gas.
43. Where every street has a basketball court and every town only has one public school.42. Where all kinds of animals are edible.
41. Where people speak all kinds of languages, and still call it Tagalog and where it is fast becoming unfashionable to speak English/Spanish.
40. Where students pay more money than they will earn afterwards.
39. Where call-center employees earn more money than teachers and nurses, where doctors study to become nurses for employment abroad.
38. Where driving 4 kms can take as much as four hours.
37. Where flyovers bring you from the freeway to the side streets. 36. Where the tourist spots are where Filipinos do not (or cannot) go.
35. Where the personal computer is mainly used for games and Friendster. 34. Where all 13-year-olds are alcoholic.
33. Where colonial mentality is dishonestly denied!
32. Where 4 a.m. is not even considered bedtime yet.
31. Where people can pay to defy the law.
30. Where everything and everyone is spoofed.
29. Where even the poverty-stricken get to wear Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger (peke)!
28. Where the honking of car horns is a way of life. 27. Where being called a bum is never offensive.
26. Where floodwaters take up more than 90 percent of the streets during the rainy season.
25. Where everyone has a relative abroad who keeps them alive.
24. Where crossing the street involves running for your dear life.
23. Where wearing your national colors makes you baduy.
22. Where billi@rds is a sport, and darts is a bar game.
21. Where even the poverty-stricken have the latest cell phones. (GSM-galing sa magnanakaw)
20. Where insurance does not work.
19. Where water can only be classified as tap and dirty - clean water is for sale (35 pesos per 5-gallon).
18. Where the church governs the people (owwss!!!) and where the government makes the people pray for miracles. (Amen to that!)
17. Where University of the Philippines is where all the weird people go. Ateneo is where all the nerds go. La Salle is where all the Chinese go. Colleger of Saint Benilde is where all the stupid Chinese go, and University of Asia and the Pacific is where all the irrelevantly rich people go.
16. Where fast food is a diet meal.
15. Where traffic signs are merely suggestions, not regulations.
14. Where all the trees in the city are below six feet.
13. Where being held up is normal. It happens to everyone.
12. Where kids dream of becoming pilots, doctors and basketball players.
11. Where rodents are normal house pets.
10. Where the definition of traffic is the "non-movement" of vehicles.
9. Where the fighter planes of the 1940s are used for military engagements, and the new fighter planes are displayed in museums.
8. Where Nora Aunor is an acclaimed actress and Boy Abunda is the best talk show host, where the population knows more their showbiz stars better than their national heroes and past presidents, knows more of showbiz gossips than their national history and current events.
7. Where cigarettes and alcohol are a necessity, and where the lottery is a commodity.
6. Where soap operas tell the realities of life and where the news provides the drama.
5. Where actors make the rules and where politicians provide the entertainment.
4. Where finding a deer on the road will be a phenomenon.
3. Where people can get away with stealing trillions of pesos, but not for a thousand.
2. Where being an hour late is still considered punctual. (Grabe talaga 'to!)
1. Where the squatters have more to complain (even if they do not pay their tax) ---- than those employed and have their tax automatically deducted from their salaries. and finally..... .
0. Where everyone wants to leave the country!
* I'm not sure if Pinoy or Half pinoy half Canadian ang nagsulat nito - and i can't understand kung bakit negative lang isinulat niya bout my native land.
SA KABILA NG LAHAT NG MGA ISINULAT NYA... PROUD PA RIN AKO NA PINOY AKO AT NAKATIRA AKO SA PILIPINAS. kung maglalahad ako ng mga positibo tungkol sa pinas nakakasigurado ako na hindi lang 50 ang maisusulat ko. hindi lang nman yan only in the philippines, diba?
pinoy ako.. may reklamo?!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
moon river
feelin like i'm not here...
inaanod ako ng isang panaginip patungo sa kung saan..
and this song keeps playin on my mind.

inaanod ako ng isang panaginip patungo sa kung saan..
and this song keeps playin on my mind.

Moon river wider than a mile
Im crossing you in style someday
You dream maker, you heartbreaker
Wherever youre going Im going your way
Two drifters off to see the world
Theres such a lot of world to see
Were after the same rainbows end
Waiting round the band
My huckleberry friend, moon river
And me
Monday, August 11, 2008
_dream night_

Wishin I’m in a place like this with someone so dear to me. Just the two of us.. under the moonlight..facing the beach.. or kahit nasa disyerto lang.. we’ll just enjoy our night together.. walang iniisip na problema…mangangarap sa harap ng bonfire habang nagiihaw ng marshmallows.. plus cold ice beer on the side. Magplaplano para sa future..para sa church wedding, magplaplano ng design ng dream house.... magiisip ng mga pwedeng names sa mga future babies..at kung anu ano pa..kelan kaya?!
so happy for you
good news.. that you look ok.. and that you are really ok. it's good that you're havin fun with your friends..
and now you got a new inspiration..
it's not my business to know but i just can't help to check about you. i'm so happy to see that smile on your face..
masaya ako para sayo. *_^
good news.. that you look ok.. and that you are really ok. it's good that you're havin fun with your friends..
and now you got a new inspiration..
it's not my business to know but i just can't help to check about you. i'm so happy to see that smile on your face..
masaya ako para sayo. *_^
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
for his X
When I first read your email.. honestly I really don’t know what to feel. When you said you are forgiving us.. napaisip ako – may kasalanan ba ko sayo?
Was it my fault that he left you? may kasalanan ba ko when we fell in luv? Kasalanan ko rin ba when he finally marry me?
i know you’ve been through a lot.. and you hate me so bad. God knows how I want you to be ok.. that soon you’ll get over all the pain that you feel… i have waited for the time na sasabihin mu samin na ok ka na..
and now.. finally you said you’re healed and that you are forgiving us.. hindi ko nman alam kung anong dapat ko’ng maramdaman.. isn't it ironic?
Kung may kasalanan man ako sayo o wala.. I don’t care anymore.. masaya na ko na you're doin good at ok na lahat.
Now, all I want is for us to go on with our separate lives..
You’ll have your life without him..
And we can have our life now without thinking of you. There are times na pinaguusapan ka namin.. at lague nmin sinasabi na hopefully in time you'll be allright... :D
by the way, thank you.. for making our relationship stronger & for making me love him more.
Was it my fault that he left you? may kasalanan ba ko when we fell in luv? Kasalanan ko rin ba when he finally marry me?
i know you’ve been through a lot.. and you hate me so bad. God knows how I want you to be ok.. that soon you’ll get over all the pain that you feel… i have waited for the time na sasabihin mu samin na ok ka na..
and now.. finally you said you’re healed and that you are forgiving us.. hindi ko nman alam kung anong dapat ko’ng maramdaman.. isn't it ironic?
Kung may kasalanan man ako sayo o wala.. I don’t care anymore.. masaya na ko na you're doin good at ok na lahat.
Now, all I want is for us to go on with our separate lives..
You’ll have your life without him..
And we can have our life now without thinking of you. There are times na pinaguusapan ka namin.. at lague nmin sinasabi na hopefully in time you'll be allright... :D
by the way, thank you.. for making our relationship stronger & for making me love him more.
Earthquake sa Dubai
Bagong salta sa Dubai.
Nangangapa. Nagmamasid. Naiinip. Wala naman talagang magawa kundi mag-isip. Magplano.. at magplano.. at pagkatapos matulog.
….nang matulog.
At sobrang himbing ako nang una kong maexperienced ang “earthquake sa Dubai”.
Nakakatakot. Ang akala ko nananaginip lang ako… pero totoong lumilindol.
Ba’t hindi sila nagigising? Naisip ko ang malas ko, 1 week pa lang ako dito naranasan ko na ang lindol..
Nakiramdam ako..gusto kong sumigaw at manggising..
….pero bakit parang ang higaan ko lang ang gumagalaw?
Nang huminto na ang pagduyan ng higaan ko tska ko lang narealized…
- nakahiga ako sa double deck at may couple sa ilalim ko.
- Ibig sabihin walang lindol…ahai..
Hanggang sa nakasanayan ko na rin ang bawat paggalaw ng aking higaan at ang sounds ng paglangitngit ng double deck sa madaling araw..
Ok lang yun… masisisi ko ban man sila eh natural lang nman yun? Pwede ko ban man ba silang sitahin ng :
“Mga ate at kuya.. bukas na lang po kayo mag-ano.. nagigising ako.. “
Haha.. buhay Dubai nga naman..
Nangangapa. Nagmamasid. Naiinip. Wala naman talagang magawa kundi mag-isip. Magplano.. at magplano.. at pagkatapos matulog.
….nang matulog.
At sobrang himbing ako nang una kong maexperienced ang “earthquake sa Dubai”.
Nakakatakot. Ang akala ko nananaginip lang ako… pero totoong lumilindol.
Ba’t hindi sila nagigising? Naisip ko ang malas ko, 1 week pa lang ako dito naranasan ko na ang lindol..
Nakiramdam ako..gusto kong sumigaw at manggising..
….pero bakit parang ang higaan ko lang ang gumagalaw?
Nang huminto na ang pagduyan ng higaan ko tska ko lang narealized…
- nakahiga ako sa double deck at may couple sa ilalim ko.
- Ibig sabihin walang lindol…ahai..
Hanggang sa nakasanayan ko na rin ang bawat paggalaw ng aking higaan at ang sounds ng paglangitngit ng double deck sa madaling araw..
Ok lang yun… masisisi ko ban man sila eh natural lang nman yun? Pwede ko ban man ba silang sitahin ng :
“Mga ate at kuya.. bukas na lang po kayo mag-ano.. nagigising ako.. “
Haha.. buhay Dubai nga naman..
Monday, August 4, 2008
ethereal : CJ Tañedo's masterpiece
sa pagitan ng kahapon at bukas
isang pangarap
sa palad pumipiglas
isang panaginip
ng pusong humihilingisang tingin..
nakikiusap na iyo'y angkinin.. "
- i was captivated by this photo..
painted by CJ Tañedo
pinoy sa likod ng kurtina
Over a thousand Filipinos arrive in Dubai every month. And why not? Literally, the sun shines here all year round; prosperity is in the air; and it's a place where people have reasons to dream of waking up in the morning as millionaires or with kilos of gold on their lap! Yun nga lang, habang hindi pa nangyayari yun, iba ang nakikita ng maraming Pinoy pagdilat nila sa umaga --- kurtina! Betcha by golly wow! Paano ko ie-explain to fascinated Pinoys back home our living condition here! Noong una akala ko isolated cases. But with the skyrocketing apartment rents in this City of Gold , such conditions are becoming the norm. Sideways...sidesteps Hindi yan dance step. That's the latest move ngayon sa mga sharing flats. Sa sobrang liit ng space, patagilid ang galaw. Kaya minsan, mga ka-flatmates, hindi na magkakitaan. "Hoy, where have you been, ba? Hindi ka na umuuwi sa flat!" Kasi nga lagi silang naka-sideview! Warning: Smoking is dangerous to your room. Hindi health reasons ang dahilan bakit bawal magyosi, no! Ang styrofoam kuya! Yes, naunahan ng Pinoy ang IKEA sa innovation na yan --- Yes, styrofoam walls, styrofoam doors, styrofoam room. Di ba nga naman, styrofoam keeps you fresh! Para kang gulay, o kaya ice candy. Pero siguro mas feel mo minsan na 'tuna' ka, o di kaya 'sirena' kung feel mong si Claudine ka. "Ate, di ba fire hazard yan?" "Anong fire ka dyan? Rent ang mas nakakamatay dito!" "Illegal ang partions sa Dubai . At least ang styrofoam, pag nagkahulihan, mabilis sa baklasan. Gets mo?!!!" "Yes, Ate." Therefore, 'no smoking': ang sirena baka maging daing! Burj Al 'Cupboards' Hindi lang Emaar Properties ang may 'K' na magtayo ng skyscrapers? Haven't we heard, the Philippines is a major supplier of architects in Dubai ? In other words, nasa dugo natin yan! Kaya ba ng Arabong gumawa ng rooms out of cupboards, luggages and shoe boxes? Dati sa airport lang bida ang mga luggages, ngayon multi-purpose na: dividers na rin sila --- para ang isang kwarto maging lima ! Pampataas sila sa mga cupboards kasama ng mga shoe boxes na pinaka-antenna. Siyempre, the taller the better --- you keep your neighbor's eyes away. Now Showing Pagpasok ko ng flat, akala ko sinehan, ang daming kurtina. Mga kuarto pala. Pero ang cute, cinematic!!! Parang barangay, complete with eskinitas. Kada bukas ng telon, parang movie --- sari-saring life. May natutulog, may nag-eemote, may nka-curlers, may nakasimangot. Sa panlimang kurtina, may nag-totong-its, sa pang-anim, may naggugupit. Ang gandang movie, di ba? "Ang Pinoy sa Likod ng Kurtina!" Paraisong Kurtina Ayyy! Our Paraisong Kurtina. It can make you laugh, it can make you cry. Be proud of our Paraisong Kurtina. It exists because we'd rather send our money home than spend more for our comfort. Within its walls, lies our desire for a little privacy, our groans, our tears, our dreams, our struggle for some little savings. My curtain says a lot. It says, "I have saved again, inay; I'll be able to send money next month." Dream mo pa bang pumunta ng Dubai ????
Mag isip-isip....
--- got this in my mail this morning...
Mag isip-isip....
--- got this in my mail this morning...
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