Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19) You are rather materialistic and it is fueled by your fears offinancial disaster. This makes you complain about monetary woes,irritating many with your obnoxious attitude. You can also be a Socialclimber, manipulating your way up the ladder; name-dropping all the wayto the top. Once in a while, you'll have morbid thoughts about Deathsomething that scares you because you have no control over it. You tendto be obsessive about your mortality sometimes. AdviceStop worrying about losing money, and you'd rid yourself of unfounded
nightmares. Stop manipulating others and you'll be free to concentrate
on attaining your goals. Get rid of your phobias and you'll be able to
relax more and enjoy yourself.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)You tend to be too idealistic and na*ve sometimes. Practicality gets
thrown out of the window by you many times. Cool and aloof, you rarely
want to deal with deep emotions. You like to give advice but don't like
to receive it. And ideas and inspirations that you sometimes neglect.
follow through with them are constantly bombarding you. Or else you are
constantly shifting focus, giving people the idea with no staying
AdviceTake time to explore your private feelings. Not all people see things
your way. And just because you come up with ideas, don't expect other
people to do all the work for you. Learn to trust people and accept
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
You are an escapist - you have this knack of avoiding issues if they
seem unpleasant. You delve into past memories to escape your present
woes. There is also a tendency towards alcoholism and even drug abuse &
you are on a search for some kind of 'high'. You also love to flirt and
too much of it may send the wrong, dangerous signals out to other
people. Once in a while, a dark mood will descend on you and you become
unsociable and withdrawn.
AdviceTrust your instincts, but also be in control of your perceptions.
Whenever the escapist tendency hits you, join a seminar or get a pep
talk from a friend to get your perspective right.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20)A warrior at heart, you thrive on challenges and any strife and dramas,
you are tempted to stir things up, just to keep yourself happy. You are
also rather intolerant of mistakes and don't have patience for weakness
or failings in others. And sometimes, you can be quite a snob as well
you like to be seen at the right places or wear the right clothes. And
you're also prone to bossiness. Your restless nature may make you quit
a project suddenly if you can't sustain the interest.
AdviceGet off your high horse and pay your dues before people will accept
you. Learn to be more tolerant of others and try to see the other
person's side of the story. If you believe in what you do, you can move
Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)You are stubborn and like to hold onto things, not wanting to let go of
anything or anyone. You are slow to anger, but when you do get worked
to a rage - everyone step aside! You also have a selfish streak and can
be quite sneaky as well. And although people may see you as helpful and
agreeable, you sometimes have an inner struggle wanting the approval of
others while sticking to your own opinions. You also tend to be
suspicious of others and question their motives.
Stop being mean and try to be nice. Learn to forgive and let go of your
past disappointments. Learn from your mistakes and have faith in
yourself and others as well.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun 21)
Your devil-may-care attitude sometimes could bring harm to yourself *
you tend to live on the edge sometimes. Many of you believe that you
don't deserve success, somehow feeling guilty for it. You may give
others too much of yourself sometimes that you lose yourself. You may
prone to suppressing motions as well. And at times that Makes it
difficult for you to accept affection and love.
Work at listening to others and don't be tempted to try daring devil
stunts all the time. And try doing something for yourself and once in a
while, in between, doing favors for others. You're human, after all.
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)You can get carried away with emotions - your anger is overwhelming and
your sadness can depress all those around you. You're also
ultra-sensitive to other people's emotions and are affected by these as
well. You tend to react before you think and then brood about what you
may have done or said wrong. You are also prone to periods of
thinking dark thoughts. Feelings of insecurity creep in now and then,
making you snappish or else you try to win the approval of everyone at
your expense.
AdviceAccept that you are hypersensitive to emotions and work with yours. Go
with the flow and by doing the right thing, you set an example for
others. Work with others and this will help build your confidence and
open you up.
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)On the rare occasion you lose your temper, you can turn into a savage
beast. You seem to need an audience as well, to help boost your
confidence and ego, sometimes. Other times, you get caught up in the
outward dramas of your life that you neglect what you're feeling
This results in a delayed reaction when emotions sneak up on you and
get hit with a whammy. You also tend to be proud and aggressive,
cloaking these with your charm. When things don't go your way, you get
impatient and may even throw a tantrum.
Learn to spend some time alone with yourself and get to know yourself
better. And learn to experience your emotions at the moment; don't
them up for another time. And know that not all means justify the ends.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)You have a martyr complex, feeling that you were put on this earth to
do good work and not receive any credit for it. You tend to be ultra
critical of yourself and others and you also worry about things that
are beyond your control. A little pessimistic sometimes, you tend to be an
intellectual snob. You bottle up all your insecurities and fears, and
hesitate to reach out for help. And once in a while, you become a
busybody - that's when you also feel responsible for
other people's problems.
Modesty has its own limits - take credit for your efforts. Give
yourself a break and know that you do not have to be successful in
everything you do. Keep focused and don't get tangled in other people's
affairs too often.
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 23)Your inability to reach a decision in matters of personal action is
legendary. You like to weigh all the alternatives and hear every side
of an argument - but this may take time and opportunities may pass you by
because of it. You also like to expand energy on people who may not
deserve it. You want to help the underdog. You are also sensitive to
criticism and may take mild statements of fact very personally.
Follow your instincts and act on them - stop sitting on fences. Don't
blindly trust people; learn to be a little more discriminating in your
offers of help. Learn to think for yourself and don't be swayed by
persuasive tongues.
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 21)You have a revengeful streak and a long memory for past hurts.
Sometimes you're downright spiteful. When you suffer, you make sure
others suffer along with you. Sometimes, you may even use deception to
get what you want and to influence others to stay out of your way. You
may even believe these untruths and unrealistic fears will grow on you.
Once in a while, you may come across someone that just rubs you on the
Side for no apparent reason and you make it your mission to bury him or
AdviceFight the negative emotions that arise in you, and resentment will not
sour your life. Don't' give into temptation to tell lies, Learn to
conquer your strong tendency towards revenge and things will fall into
place for you.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)You've got a big mouth and unwittingly hurt an insult people with it.
You can even go to utter strangers and give unsolicited advice and
comments. You also seem to enjoy verbal duels with others whenever you
can. And you sure can make sore losers, even suspecting foul play if
things don't go your way. You have a knack for confrontation and you
can't resist being sarcastic. You also don't think too much of many
people, because you have a mild superiority complex. Vanity is also a
trait in many of you.
Learn with whom you can be frank otherwise keep your comments to
yourself. Discretion is the better part of valor. Curb your cockiness,
and you can combine it with your concern for serious issues, aiding in
your search for truth.